Sunday, December 13, 2015

What is Income Protection and Why do we need it?

We know for a fact; plans and dreams are built on the potential income which we will earn over our lifetime.

Loans for University, Car Loans, Mortgages, Personal loans for Weddings, etc are all built on the potential income earned by the individual or the family.

In the last few decades, this has encouraged people to now start thinking about having Income Protection.

Now there are two potential reasons why a person can lose income:
1. Loss of Employment/Economic Downturn
2. Loss of Income due to Bad Health

If a person losses his/her job on average they can get a job within 6-9 months, even if not at the same level maybe with a 20-30% pay cut, hence it has been a recommendation to always hold liquidity to cover expenses for 6 months as a buffer.

But, if a person falls sick or gets disabled it would immediately put a stop to income.

Now the question usually asked is... well all my expenses for treatment would be covered by my Medical Insurance... Reality: Medical Insurance (individually purchased or by the company or government) would usually pay bills related to the treatment; but what about the daily expenses?
The family would still have to cover mortgage payments, education fees of the kids, might need to change lifestyle and or the house, other expenses like car loans.

Hence, Income Protection... Ensuring the family continues to get the income which the family would require in the event a person falls ill to be able to meet the financial commitments and to continue living the same lifestyle.

#sanjaytolani #speaker #author #28000 #incomeprotection #income #financialplanning #mdrt #topofthetable

Note: All proceeds from the books are donated to charity.

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